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Björn Vogler

Target groups for investment attraction in Germany

Germany is the leading source country for FDI projects in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). German FDI projects also play a key role in Ukraine. However, the share is lower in Ukraine than in the CEE region as a whole. Considering international experience, a target group-oriented approach can make an important contribution towards increasing the volume and impact of FDI.

  • Ukraine
NL 159 | January 2022
Private Sector Development

Based on the results from a target group assessment carried out, the initial focus of investment attraction efforts in Germany should be on the automotive, life science and electronic / electrical equipment industries. Furthermore, it is recommended to integrate segments at the interface to the IT industry (e.g. digital healthcare products). Across the defined industries, particular emphasis should be placed on mediumsized enterprises and companies that have already invested in Central European locations.