The German Economic advises governments and public agencies in the project countries on a wide range of topics. Hereby, the focus lies on topics relevant to transition and emerging economies.
Macroeconomic Forecasting and Prognosis
On the basis of scientifically sound models, the German Economic Team develops application-oriented economic forecasts.
International Trade and Regional Integration
The German Economic Team advises partner countries on targeted trade policies, export promotion and trade integration.
Energy and Climate
We analyse and develop tailored solutions to the specific challenges that transition countries face in energy and climate policy.
Private Sector Development
Attracting foreign direct investment, improving the investment climate and promoting SMEs are important building blocks for positive economic development.
Labour Market and Migration
The reform of labour markets and labour law and the analysis of migration movements are the primary areas of advice in this field.
The modernisation of agricultural production and the improvement of export opportunities for agricultural products are the focus of the advisory services.
Financial Markets
We advise on the development of a stable financial sector and analyse capital and financial markets.
Governance and public administration
Efficient administrative structures in the public and private sectors are basic prerequisites for sustainable development.