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The German Economic Team

Economic policy advice on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

The German Economic Team advises the governments of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus*, Kosovo, Armenia, Georgia and Uzbekistan on all aspects of economic transformation on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

We work on a broad range of topics. In addition to our work in the project countries, our traditional mandate, we also support German and European institutions from politics, administration, business and associations with analyses on our project countries.

*Economic advisory in Belarus is currently suspended.

GET Project Countries

Belarus* Ukraine Georgia Uzbekistan Armenia Moldova Kosovo



    • 18.09.2024

    Berlin Process Summit: Where do WB6 countries stand after 10 years?

    The Berlin Process, launched in 2014, is an intergovernmental cooperation initiative to strengthen ties between a group of EU Member States, inter alia Germany, France and Poland, and EU membership candidate and potential candidate countries in Southeastern Europe. It also aims to foster cooperation in areas like economic development and infrastructure.

    • 16.08.2024

    Ukraine: Macroeconomic Outlook 2024-25

    Together with the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) in Kyiv, we have modelled macroeconomic developments for this year and the coming year. Our analysis suggests that although the Ukrainian economy has returned to a growth path, the war is exacting a high economic price. Moreover, forecasting in a highly volatile environment is fraught with uncertainty.

    • 05.07.2024

    The German Economic Team is received by the Armenian Minister of Finance

    On 27 June, Armenian Finance Minister Vaheh Hovhannesyan received BE Managing Director and GET Team Leader Dr Ricardo Giucci and Dmitry Chervyakov, GET Project Manager for Armenia.



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